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I'm a teacher at an International School in Asia and I really enjoy making all types of well-designed resources for my class. I hope that you may also find them useful and that your children will enjoy them too!




I'm a teacher at an International School in Asia and I really enjoy making all types of well-designed resources for my class. I hope that you may also find them useful and that your children will enjoy them too!
Parts of the Respiratory (Breathing) System Worksheet

Parts of the Respiratory (Breathing) System Worksheet

This worksheet comprises of four activities that all relate to the parts of the respiratory system - nostrils, mouth, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, lungs, alveoli etc. The activities are as follows: a) Anagrams of the parts of the respiratory system. b) Label a diagram with some of the parts of the respiratory system. c) A word search with some of the parts of the respiratory system with extra bonus words hidden within. d) Describing the function of one or two of the parts of the respiratory system. It serves as a review or follow-up to an introduction of the system and the basic process. Children are expected to know the names of the parts, how to spell them, identify them on a diagram and understand what their basic role is in the system. The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs.
Parts of the Skeletal System Worksheet

Parts of the Skeletal System Worksheet

This worksheet comprises of four activities that all relate to the parts of the skeletal system -skull, tibia, fibula, ulna, pelvis, ribs, spine, femur, patella etc. The activities are as follows: a) Anagrams of the parts of the skeletal system. b) Label a diagram with some of the parts of the skeletal system. c) A word search with some of the parts of the skeletal system with extra bonus words hidden within. It serves as a review or follow-up to an introduction of the system and the basic process. Children are expected to know the names of the parts, how to spell them, identify them on a diagram and understand what their basic role is in the system. *Extension task idea: Ask the children to choose one or two of the bones in the skeleton and relate it’s structure to its function. They could also create their own version of the skeletal song or create their own mnemonic to help remember the names of the bones. * The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs.
Building Electrical Circuits Practical Worksheet

Building Electrical Circuits Practical Worksheet

Great series of worksheets to bring structure and scientific inquiry in building electrical circuits. Made up of four electrical circuit practical worksheets. Children have to complete one before proceeding to the next. Each successive one is more difficult than the previous. Each page involves drawing drawing and building a circuit followed by testing it and answering related questions. Children will build and test both series and parallel circuits. *Requires that the children have the basic pieces to create each electrical circuit to test. Circuit 1 - Comparing the brightness of one and two bulbs in series. Circuit 2 - Comparing the speed of one and two motors in series. Circuit 3 - Parallel circuits and a logic diagram. Circuit 4 - Freestyle circuit building, testing and evaluating.
Mummify an Apple Experiment

Mummify an Apple Experiment

A full work-through for an experiment on mummifying an apple. Includes the full scientific method from hypothesis through to conclusion. Great to get some science into a topic about Ancient Egypt. I usually begin the experiment so that a month or so later, it coincides with a look at the mummification process. We also create an Adobe Spark video to explain the way the Egyptians made their mummies. Extra discussion prompts: What foods to we preserve? How and why do we preserve them? How is this similar to the process of mummification?
The Solar System Fact File Worksheet

The Solar System Fact File Worksheet

This worksheet is made up of 2 parts. The first involves filling in the missing information for the table about the 8 planets in our solar system. Children will need to research and find the information using books and/or the internet. Please see the preview for further information about the groups of information required. The second part is a true or false activity with statements that directly relate to the information in the table. This is quite an extensive activity and children will need plenty of time to collate their research and fill it in correctly. It works well as a small group activity (2-3 children). All the answers are included on the second page. I hope you enjoy this resource! If you have a moment, please leave a review. Thank you.
Parts of the Digestive System Worksheet

Parts of the Digestive System Worksheet

This worksheet comprises of four activities that all relate to the parts of the digestive system - mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, gall-bladder, liver, pancreas etc. The activities are as follows: Anagrams of the parts of the digestive system Label a diagram with some of the parts of the digestive system A word search with the parts of the system with extra bonus words hidden within Describing the function of one or two of the parts It serves as a review or follow-up to an introduction of the system and the basic process. Children are expected to know the names of the parts, how to spell them, identify them on a diagram and understand what their basic role is in the system. The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs.
40 Planet Fact Cards Matching Game

40 Planet Fact Cards Matching Game

This document is made up of 40 different cards (4 fact cards for each of the 8 planets in our solar system). Please see the preview for insight on the variety of different facts. Ideally, print on A3 and cut up the cards. The idea is for children to match the facts up to the correct planet. They could also put the planets in order from the sun as an additional task. I find this best suited to groups of 3-4 children so print off enough copies for your class. It works well as a starter to a unit on space but also could be used during or at the end to see how much they have learned. If you can, laminate the cards for future use. I hope your children enjoy this activity! Please leave a review if you’re satisfied.
The Circulatory System - Large Activity Sheet

The Circulatory System - Large Activity Sheet

This large worksheet contains several different activities about the circulatory system. The activities are as follows: Unscramble the parts of the system. Label a diagram of the system. Find words related to the system in a word search. Fill in blanks for a short paragraph about the system. Draw a diagram to show the structure of arteries and veins. Match the parts of the system with their function. Bonus: Write about how the structure of either a vein or artery is related to its function. Because of its size, this activity sheet lends itself nicely to pair work. Children really enjoy the variety of activities available. The document is fully editable so you can make adjustments to suit your needs. I’ve also included a colourful version as well as a B&W version in the document.
The Digestive System - Large Activity Sheet

The Digestive System - Large Activity Sheet

This A3 worksheet contains several different activities about the digestive system. The activities are as follows: Unscramble the parts of the system. Label a diagram of the system. Find words related to the system in a word search. Fill in blanks for a short paragraph about the system. Draw a diagram of walls of the small intestine look like. Match the parts of the system with their function. Bonus: Write about how the structure of the small intestine helps digestion. Because of its size, this activity sheet lends itself nicely to pair work. Children really enjoy the variety of activities available. The document is fully editable so you can make adjustments to suit your needs. I’ve also included a colourful version as well as a B&W version in the document.
Electrical Circuits Practical Worksheet

Electrical Circuits Practical Worksheet

This editable worksheet contains six simple (series) electrical circuits for the children to build. After each one, there are a series of questions relating the circuit. Take a look at the preview for further details.
Methods of Food Preservation Worksheet

Methods of Food Preservation Worksheet

This worksheet serves as a colourful introduction to the different methods of food preservation. It is a diagram showing the first letters of different ways of food preservation along with picture prompts. Discuss and elicit the methods from individuals or groups in the class. The answers are provided on the second page. They are… Freezing, refrigerating, drying or dehydrating, vacuum-packing, salting or curing, pickling, canning or jarring and smoking. I usually introduce this topic when we are going to look at the process of mummification in Ancient Egypt. If you like this worksheet and have a moment, please kindly leave a review. Thank you.
The Digestive System - Parts and Functions Crossword

The Digestive System - Parts and Functions Crossword

This A3 worksheet is made up of two activities relating the digestive system. The first activity is a crossword which comprises a description of the functions of different parts. The second activity involves labeling the parts of the digestive system scattered around the crossword. Here are some example questions/clues for the crossword… Muscular tube which moves ingested food to the stomach. Produces digestive enzymes. Where food enters the body. Parts and other keywords covered in the worksheet include… Mouth, teeth, oesophagus, stomach, bile, acid, small and large instestine, pancreas, liver, gall-bladder, recyum, anus etc. This worksheet works as a nice review for individual or pair work. It gives you a chance to see if the children can identify the function and ID different parts of the digestive system.
Organs in the Human Body Worksheet

Organs in the Human Body Worksheet

This worksheet comprises of four activities that all relate to the organs within the human body - heart, brain, liver, kidneys, skin, eyes, ears, gall-bladder, intestines, bladder etc. The activities are as follows: Anagrams of ten different organs in the human body Label pictures of nine organs from the human body A word search with the lots of different organ names hidden within Describe the function of two different organs. It serves as a good introduction to the human body and study of the separate organ systems or even as a review. Children are expected to know the names of the organs, how to spell them, identify images of them and understand what their basic role is. The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs. A PDF version is also included for easier display and printing.
The Solar System - A3 Cut and Stick Activity

The Solar System - A3 Cut and Stick Activity

This worksheet contains pictures of all 8 planets in our solar system with their names. The idea is for the children to cut them up and stick them in the correct position in order from the sun. Simple, fun and effective way for children to remember their order. As an additional task they could make up their own mnemonic to help them more easily remember their order. I hope you like this resource! Please leave a review if you have a moment. Thank you.
The Respiratory System - Large Activity Sheet

The Respiratory System - Large Activity Sheet

This large worksheet contains several different activities about the respiratory system. The activities are as follows: Unscramble the parts of the system. Label a diagram of the system. Find words related to the system in a word search. Fill in blanks for a short paragraph about the system. Draw a diagram to show gas exchange. Match the parts of the system with their function. Bonus: Write about how the structure of alveoli helps gas exchange. Because of its size, this activity sheet lends itself nicely to pair work. Children really enjoy the variety of activities available. The document is fully editable so you can make adjustments to suit your needs. I’ve also included a colourful version as well as a B&W version in the document.
Body Systems Pack

Body Systems Pack

6 Resources
Large activity and puzzle sheets for 6 different body systems - digestive, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal and the male and female reproductive systems. Please see individual previews for further details. If you like the pack and have a moment, please kindly leave a review. Thank you.
Conductors and Insulators Worksheet and Short Experiment

Conductors and Insulators Worksheet and Short Experiment

This worksheet comprises of a fill in the blanks paragraph all about electrical conductors and insulators, a space for a experiment setup diagram and a results table. The children are expected to complete the fill in the blanks activity first. You could help them out by providing a word bank on the board/projector. They should then draw a circuit which will enable them to test the conductivity of different materials. For this you will ideally need some batteries, wires and either a motor, LED or Light bulb. I usually have children work in pairs for the experiment but complete their own worksheet. Before testing the materials the children have selected they need to make a prediction or hypothesis about whether their material will conduct electricity or not. *This document is fully editable so you can make changes where you please. *
Shadows and What Changes Them Worksheet

Shadows and What Changes Them Worksheet

This worksheet comprises two parts. The first is a fill in the blanks section where ideally the children test objects using a light source and fill in with the help of the words from the table. The second part can also involve some testing done throughout the day or could be done after the fact. It involves drawing where the sun would be at different times of the day and then drawing an object and its corresponding shadow. Children learn about the ways that a shadow can be affected and how and relate it to the shadows of objects caused by everyday objects blocking light from the sun. As an extra fun activity, have the children draw around their own shadows at different points during the day. It helps to have a compass too to record the direction the sun is shinning in. *This download comes as both a PDF and a fully editable DOC, so you can change it to suit your needs. *
My Food Diary

My Food Diary

A food diary for children to record their diet over the course of a school week. Great for when learning about healthy balanced diets and nutrients. Encourages children to reflect upon their own diet and potentially improve it as a result. The booklet includes an example page that gives an idea of what is expected. Each day is split into three meals with snacks and include the following questions and starting statements for each: What did you eat? How much did you eat? Was it tasty? I should have eaten more… I should have eaten less/fewer… Do you think your diet was balanced for this day? Why or why not? The document is fully editable in Word, so you could add extra days or remove as necessary.